190429 s 903 senateenr


April 29, 2019


Dear Chair Murkowski and Ranking Member Manchin:

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports S. 903, the Nuclear Energy Leadership Act (“NELA”). With 16 bipartisan cosponsors, NELA embodies the across-the-aisle collaboration necessary to develop effective legislation that will move America forward and enhance our global competitiveness.

NELA would bolster America’s historic leadership in nuclear energy by developing next-generation nuclear energy resources. While other countries have developed competing nuclear industries, our domestic development and use of nuclear generation has stagnated. NELA would tip the balance back in our favor.

NELA would require the Department of Energy to create a ten-year nuclear energy strategic plan, while fostering the development of advanced reactor demonstration projects, including a fast neutron source. This legislation would also establish an advanced nuclear fuel security program and authorize long-term nuclear power purchase agreements. NELA would facilitate the nuclear industry’s design and deployment of advanced reactor concepts and establish the University Nuclear Leadership Program, which would harness the technical know-how of our domestic innovators while training tomorrow’s advanced nuclear developers and operators.

In light of the challenges posed by climate change, innovative nuclear energy technologies hold great promise to provide reliable, affordable, safe, and carbon-free electricity to power America forward. As such, the Chamber urges the Committee to favorably report S. 903 to the full Senate.


Neil L. Bradley

cc: Members of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee

190429 s 903 senateenr