September is National Preparedness Month. Join the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Allstate, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation in raising awareness about the value and importance of preparedness. Here are three ways to take action today. Use the resources below to: 

  1. Educate communities about the economic benefits of preparedness.
  2. Share preparedness resources for communities, businesses, and households. 
  3. Post about preparedness on social media using #NationalPreparednessMonth. 

Questions? Contact Lindsay Cates at

Quick Facts on Disaster Preparedness 

Find these stats and more in The Preparedness Payoff: The Economic Benefits of Investing in Climate Resilience

  • On average, 10 natural disasters occur in the U.S. each year that cost $1 billion or more.
  • Every $1 invested in resilience and preparedness saves $13 in damages, cleanup costs, and economic impact.
  • If a large city like Miami invests $10.8 billion in resilience and preparedness before a Category 4 hurricane, that city would save 184,000 jobs and $26 billion in GDP. If the city didn’t make those investments, it would lose 361,000 jobs and $46 billion in GDP. 

Preparedness Resources for Communities, Businesses & Households 

Sample Social Media Posts  

Post in September using #NationalPreparednessMonth. Be sure to tag: @uschamber @allstate @usccfoundation  

Social Media Graphics

Instagram Gallery