“We have to get serious about removing barriers to filling these open jobs.”
The following statement can be attributed to the Neil Bradley, executive vice president and chief policy officer, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, on the latest job openings report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
“The latest job opening report set another record with employers struggling to fill a stunning 10.1 million positions. This is a worker shortage crisis, with more open jobs than people available to fill them. If we want to sustain our economic recovery, we have to get serious about removing barriers to filling these open jobs. That includes addressing childcare needs, rightsizing unemployment programs, skills training, and increasing legal immigration.”

Credit: U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Find additional analysis on the latest jobs numbers by the U.S. Chamber’s Senior Economist Curtis Dubay here.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation launched America Works, a nationwide initiative mobilizing industry and government to swiftly address America’s deepening worker shortage crisis. Discover workforce solutions, find additional research and analysis, and explore the full America Works policy agenda at uschamber.com/work.