
When businesses can find and retain the right people to innovate, compete, and grow—and when people have the skills and opportunities to put their talent to work—there’s no limit to what we can all achieve.
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Deep Dive: Labor Shortage
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U.S. Chamber Foundation Programs
Our Work
The U.S. Chamber believes we must quickly address a double-dose of workforce challenges. There are too many people without jobs and too many jobs without people. We are working to build a modern, adaptive workforce to meet the needs of today and to compete for the future. Through the America Works initiative, advocacy for effective education and training policy, the U.S. Chamber Foundation’s successful employer-led programs, and support for public-private partnerships, we create pathways for people and businesses alike to pursue their dreams and achieve their potential.
Related Litigation
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- Small BusinessC-Suite to Main Street: The Power of Failure in Building Business SuccessThursday, April 0312:00 PM EDT - 12:30 PM EDTVirtualLearn More
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Explore the numbers behind recent trends in remote work, the migration of workers, and the future of commercial office space in this data deep dive on the future of the workplace.
This Hill letter was sent to the Members of the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce, on H.R. 6951, the "College Cost Reduction Act."
The United States is currently grappling with a nursing shortage that is causing a ripple effect of rising health care costs and lower quality of life across the country.
Remote and hybrid work now institutionalized in the middle market, according to workforce special report
This special report on workforce dynamics from the RSM and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Middle Market Business Index provides unique insights into labor trends and strategies that are shaping the marketplace.
A new DOL regulation replaces the previous regulation with uncertainty, creating bias against independent contractor status.
Bitty & Beau’s now has 20 franchises across the nation and is a reminder of why it’s important to shop at small businesses during the holiday season.
This Hill letter was sent to the Members of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, on H.R. 6585, the "Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act," and H.R. 6655, the "A Stronger Workforce for America Act."
First Lady Jill Biden Joins Launch and Delivers Remarks